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The Stainless Steel Market Price Fell First then Rose (5.22-5.26)

The Stainless Steel Market Price Fell First then Rose (5.22-5.26)

May 31, 2023

Shunhao Machine and Mould Factory always prioritizes the use of high-quality stainless steel materials when manufacturing their melamine tableware compression molds.

However, this week, the price of stainless steel experienced a brief dip by a rebound. As of May 26, spot 304/2B stainless steel flat plate 1.0*1219*2438 (tolerance 0.91) had an average daily spot price of 13,757.14 yuan/ton. This represented a 0.41% decrease from the week's opening spot price of 13,814.29 yuan/ton and a 22.52% decrease from the previous year.

stainless steel for making moulds

Despite this temporary dip in prices, the total inventory of stainless steel decreased by 2.58% from the previous week, with both cold and hot rolled stocks seeing a decrease. Although steel mills had their highest production schedule in May, the actual output may not meet expectations.

The mills control delivery and recent arrivals have not increased significantly, resulting in average spot transactions. The accumulation of inventory in factories and the continued depletion of social banks led to an insufficient rebound despite some demand for it. It is predicted that the price of stainless steel will continue to fluctuate at a low level.

stainless steel total

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